Suspended and Revoked Maryland Driver’s Licenses
Are you facing driver’s license suspension in Maryland? At Killian Law Group, we realize that the consequences of license suspension can be severe, but you don’t need to go through it alone. Schedule a FREE consultation with our traffic offense attorneys today.
Schedule a FREE Traffic Offense Consultation
License Suspension
Get an experienced Killian Law Group traffic offense attorney on your side
The loss of your driver’s license has the potential to affect many areas of your life including your job and livelihood. If you have had your license suspended in Maryland, you are in need of a defense attorney. We will identify what the issue is and help you address the initial problem to put you in a position to get your license back and driving privileges reinstated.
Common causes of license suspensions in Maryland include failure to appear, failure to pay fines, child support trouble, accumulation of points on a person’s driving record, and driving on a suspended or revoked license.
If you are facing license suspension in Maryland, contact our office today to discuss your case. The attorneys at Killian Law Group have extensive experience with Maryland’s complicated license suspension issues and can assist drivers towards reinstatement.
Impaired Driving Convictions In Maryand
If you are convicted of an impaired driving offense in the state of Maryland, you face both criminal penalties and license sanctions.
Maryland Impaired Driving Laws Explained
Drivers arrested for impaired driving in MD face immediate Administrative sanctions, additional criminal penalties and license sanctions if convicted.
Maryland’s Award Winning Attorneys